

Presiding Bishop’s Pastoral Letter to Immigrant Priests and Faithful People of God in the ANCC
(01/24/2024)  In the Name of the Father and of the Son+, and of the Holy Spirit.  Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In these times of trial and uncertainty, we write to you with hearts full of gratitude and admiration for your courage, faith, and perseverance.


Presiding Bishop’s Pastoral Letter on Radical Inclusion and God’s Extravagant Love

(01/20/2025) In the name of the Father, and of the Son+ and of the Holy Spirit. Grace and peace to you from God our Creator, the Redeemer who walks with us, and the Holy Spirit who empowers us to live as agents of divine love in the world.
Renewing the Spirit – Bread for the Journey
The ANCC now has a podcast entitled Renewing the Spirit – Bread for the Journey.  At the podcast, we explore the richness of Catholic spirituality, rooted in the Gospel call to serve one another and walk humbly with God.  Please visit our ANCC Podcast page by clicking here.

Welcome Home!

Welcome to the website of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC). The ANCC is an independent Catholic community dedicated to making the world a more compassionate place.
Guided by its own bishop we celebrate the same sacraments and follow the reforms initiated in the Second Vatican Council. The American National Catholic Church is a contemporary expression of an ancient faith. There is a firm commitment to the sacraments and we embrace the liturgy of Vatican II that is revered by so many in the Americas. We are also guided by the Spirit as a community which embraces a broader faith where all are welcomed and affirmed. We understand the importance of embracing and supporting each other, while continually challenging ourselves to embrace the Gospel calling of Jesus Christ.
We are happy that you have found our website and welcome you as you learn more about our ministry and role in Christ’s church. More than likely, you may be surprised to discover one of the best kept secrets in the Church Catholic – that other bodies of that same church grow and thrive independent of the institutional church.
We hope you will explore how you can play a part in this most important ministry and so that you may learn how truly liberated the soul can be.