ANCC News & Press Statements

A Shrine to St. Teresa of Calcutta & Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal: “A Medal that Changed the World.”
(09/24/2024) Shrines are officially defined as holy or sacred places dedicated to a specific martyr, saint, or similar figure of awe and respect, at which they are venerated or worshipped.  Read the article here.
Announcing The Appointment of Fr. Alex Urena To The Position of Captain in The US Air Force
(09/15/2024) With great joy, the American National Catholic Church celebrates the appointment of Rev. Fr. Alex Urena, associate pastor at Holy Family ANCC, to the position of captain in the chaplaincy corps of the United States Air Force. Read the announcement here.
Announcing Our New Vicar for Vocations Fr. Séamus Ó Séaghdha
(08/30/2024) With deep gratitude and appreciation, the National Church announces a transition in our Vocations Office.  Read the announcement here.
American National Catholic Church Marks 15-Year Milestone with Sixth Convocation
(08/19/2024) The American National Catholic Church (ANCC) recently celebrated its 15th anniversary, marking a significant milestone in its journey as a progressive and inclusive Catholic community.  Read the article here.
The Spirit of Vatican Council II is alive and celebrated in the American National Catholic Church
(07/28/2024) The People of God and the clergy of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC) will gather at the Claggett Center, Buckeystown, Maryland on August 15, 16, 17 for our fourth bi-annual Convocation. This year’s theme is Come to Me, with a special emphasis on the 15th anniversary of the ANCC’s founding.  (Click here to read the article)
ANCC Welcomes Fr. Albert Risdorfer
(04/28/2024) The Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC), is pleased to announce the incardination of The Reverend Fr. Albert Risdorfer.  Click here to read the entire press release.
Our Lady Undoer of Knots Inclusive Catholic Community incardinates as a parish of the ANCC
(04/17/2024) After a considerable period of prayer and discernment, the people of Our Lady Undoer of Knots Inclusive Catholic Community in Baltimore Maryland, have unanimously decided to incardinate as a parish of the American National Catholic Church. Click here to read the entire press release.
Mary Hurley To Be Ordained Deacon By ANCC
(04/16/2024) “We in the American National Catholic Church are overjoyed to celebrate with Mary Hurley her ordination to the diaconate in the ANCC,” says the Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop.  Click here to read the entire press release.
ANCC Welcomes Fr. Séamus Tadhg Ó Séaghdha
(02/26/2024) The Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC) is pleased to announce the incardination of The Reverend Fr. Séamus Tadhg Ó Séaghdha. Click here to read the entire announcement.
Announcing the incardination of Frs. Matthew Schnabel and Alex Urena, and the establishment of the Mission of the Body of Christ
(01/20/2024) With great joy, the American National Catholic Church announces the incardination of Frs. Matthew Schnabel and Alex Urena.  Click here to read the entire announcement.
ANCC Gathers for Clergy Retreat and Come and See Weekend
(11/14/2023) Please join the American National Catholic Church (ANCC) in prayer as 18 members of the clergy, our current seminarians, and 9 inquirers gather for a time of reflection in preparation for Advent on the weekend of November 17-19. Click here to read the entire announcement.
ANCC Calls All People of Good Will to Pray for Peace
(10/11/2023) The American National Catholic Church (ANCC) joins her voice with all people of good will in expressing their sorrow at the tragedies occurring in the Middle East as a result of recent senseless violence. Click here to read the entire statement.
Announcement about Holy Spirit ANCC
(04/03/2023) In the Name of the Father, and +of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Please join the People of God and the clergy in the American National Catholic Church in expressing our gratitude for the tremendous witness to our faith represented in the parish community of the Holy Spirit. Click here to read the entire announcement.
ANCC Establishes the Spanish Apostolate
(03/26/2023)With great joy and thanksgiving to God, the American National Catholic Church establishes the Spanish Apostolate as an official ministry of the National Church.  Click here to read the entire announcement.
The ANCC Announces the Incardinations of Fr. Seamus Campbell and Fr. Luis Octavio Huete Altamirano
(12/23/2022) With great joy the American National Catholic Church announces the incardinations of Rev. Fr. Seamus Campbell and Rev. Luis Octavio Huete Altamirano.   You can read the announcement here.
One Home, Three Churches
(06/15/2022) Our parish, St. Katharine Drexel ANCC in Moorhead, MN made it to the front page.  Check out this article about our partnership with Moorhead Presbyterian Church. Click here to open the article.
Incardination of Fr. Jonathan Tan
(05/30/2022) The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church, is delighted to announce the incardination of Fr. Jonathan Tan.  You can read the press release here.
Ordination of Deacon James Jakubowski to the Presbyterate
(05/30/2022) The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC), is pleased to announce that Deacon James (Jim) Jakubowski will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Presbyters at 11:00 am on 25 June 2022. You can read the press release here.
The ANCC Welcomes St. Giles Parish and Fr. Richard Sinacola
(05/04/2022) The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC) is delighted to announce that the parish of St. Giles has joined the ANCC family.  You can read the press release here.
A Message from the Presiding Bishop on the Ukraine Invasion
(02/24/2022)  Every morning when we pray the Benedictus, we proclaim “To give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” Let us join all People of good faith in earnestly imploring our Prince of Peace to bring peace to Ukraine and Eastern Europe.  You can read the message here.
The ANCC Welcomes St. Francis and Clare Parish and Frs. Joseph Spina and Vincent Treglio
(02/16/2022) The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC) is delighted to announce that the parish of Sts. Francis and Clare has joined the ANCC family. Frs. Joseph Spina, OSF and Vincent Treglio, OSF, pastors of the parish, will incardinate in the ANCC. You can read the announcement here.
Ordination of Mr. Roger Hernandez to the Diaconate
(02/16/2022) The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC), is pleased to announce that Mr. Roger Hernandez will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons at noon on 26 February. You can read the announcement here.
ANCC Welcomes Fr. Rogelio Martinez
(11/02/2021) On Sunday, October 24, 2021 The Most Rev. George R. Lucey admitted by incardination Rev. Rogelio J. Martinez as a priest in the American National Catholic Church. You can read the announcement here.
A Statement From The Presiding Bishop on the Derek Chauvin Verdict
(04/21/2021) I join all people of good will in offering thanks that justice has been done for George Floyd. The conviction of his murderer cannot ease the pain of Mr. Floyd’s family, nor does it heal the terrible sin of racism that afflicts this nation.  You can read the statement here.
ANCC Responds to Pope Francis’ Endorsement of Same-Sex Civil Unions
(10/22/2020) In “Francesco,” a new documentary released this week, Pope Francis declared his support for same-sex civil unions. “What we have to create is a civil union law,” he says in the film. “That way they are legally covered.” You can read the press release here.
NMSU researchers to present parental wellness workshop
(03/07/2020) Researchers from New Mexico State University’s College of Health and Social Services will offer a free parental wellness workshop this weekend. The workshop is part of a year-long study on a program called “And Baby Makes Three,” which aims to help couples adjust to life with newborn babies. It will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 7, at Holy Family American National Catholic Church, 702 Parker Road, in Las Cruces. You can read the article here.
ANCC to Ordain Two to the Priesthood
(01/05/2020) Presiding Bishop George Lucey, FCM, and the American National Catholic Church (ANCC) are pleased to announce that Deacons Owen Borda and Cheryl Smith will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Presbyters on Saturday, January 18. The Mass of Ordination, to be celebrated by the Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, will take place at 11 am at the parish church of St. Joseph Arimathea ANCC, 680 Racebrook Road, Orange CT. You can read the press release here.
ANCC Welcomes Fr. Joseph Harmon
(10/04/2019) The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC), joyfully welcomes Fr. Joseph Harmon as the latest priest to incardinate into the ANCC.  You can read the press release here.
Fr. Jim Lehman, pastor of Holy Family ANCC, featured at The Torch
(09/28/2019) The Torch, the newsletter of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico featured an article on an interview with Fr. Jim Lehman, the pastor of Holy Family ANCC.  You can read the article here, page 7.
ANCC Establishes Parish Community in Peekskill, NY
(08/24/2019)  The American National Catholic Church (ANCC) joyfully announces the establishment of the parish community of Saint Dominic de Guzmán in the Hudson Valley. It’s located in Peekskill and is shepherded by the Rev. Mr. Owen Borda.   You can read the press release here.
Behind New Jersey’s Breakaway Catholic Movement
(04/07/2019) The American National Catholic Church, founded in the Garden State almost a decade ago, mirrors Roman Catholicism but diverges on such issues as gay marriage and divorce. You can read the article here.
ANCC Welcomes Fr. Anthony Martinez
(08/02/2018)  The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC), joyfully welcomes Fr. Anthony Martinez as the latest priest to incardinate with the ANCC. You can read the press release here.
Presiding Bishop’s Pastoral Letter on the Parkland, Florida shooting
(02/16/2017) Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the holy season of Lent, is a day in which we reflect upon the fragility of life. A tragedy in Parkland, Florida, this Ash Wednesday brought that message home in a shocking way.  You can read the pastoral letter here.
ANCC Welcomes Fr. Julian Garcia Londono
(12/26/2017)  The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC), joyfully welcomes Fr. Julian Garcia Londono as the latest priest to incardinate with the ANCC. You can read the press release here.
ANCC Presiding Bishop’s Statement on Sutherland Springs shooting
(11/06/2017) Once again, God grieves, as do people of good will everywhere.  Barely a month after the Las Vegas shooting horrified the nation, another mass murder has occurred. On 5 November, as worshippers prayed in the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, a gunman burst through the doors and began firing at them with a military-style weapon. You can read the statement here.
New ANCC Parish in Fargo, ND
(11/03/2017) The American National Catholic Church (ANCC), an independent, non-Roman jurisdiction, is delighted to announce the formation of its newest parish, St. Katharine Drexel ANCC, in Fargo, North Dakota.  You can read the press release here
A Special Message from the Presiding Bishop on the Las Vegas Shooting
(10/03/2017) Once again, the nation has noticed a mass shooting, this one at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas.  According to the New York Times, it is the 521st such tragedy in 477 days.
ANCC Replies to the Nashville Statement
(09/06/2017) On 29 August, an evangelical organization called the Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood released a “Christian manifesto,” the so-called Nashville Statement, which harshly condemned what its authors called “homosexual immorality or transgenderism.” The authors insisted that the sacrament of marriage is exclusively reserved for heterosexual couples, and that faithful Christians everywhere are obliged to concur. You can read the letter here
ANCC Statement on Hurricane Harvey
(08/30/2017) Hurricane Harvey’s devastation of parts of Texas and Louisiana is the worst natural disaster the nation has endured since Hurricanes Katrina in 2005 and Sandy in 2012. Massive flooding has displaced tens of thousands of people and destroyed billions of dollars in property.  You can read the statement here.
ANCC to Ordain Donald Simon to the Diaconate
(05/03/2017) Presiding Bishop George Lucey, FCM, and the American National Catholic Church (ANCC) are pleased to announce that Mr. Donald Simon will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on Saturday, June 3. The Mass of Ordination, to be celebrated by the Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the ANCC, will take place at First Congregational Church in Fargo, ND.  You can see the
ANCC Ordains John Bye-Torre
(05/01/2017) The American National Catholic Church (ANCC) is pleased to announce that Deacon John Bye-Torre, FCM, was ordained to the Sacred Order of Presbyters on Saturday, April 22, in Seattle, Washington. You can see the press release here
Bishop’s Pastoral Letter regarding the chemical weapons attack on Khan Sheikhoun
On behalf of the American National Catholic Church, and in unity with all persons of good will, I wish to express my horror and profound sorrow at the chemical weapons attack on the northern Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun.  You can read the pastoral letter here
Sacred Heart ANCC Welcomes New Pastor
The Most Reverend George M. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church has appointed Father Paul Gulya to be Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus ANCC parish in Kearny, NJ. Father Paul was one of the founding co-pastors of the parish in 2013 and most recently served as a supply priest for various parishes of the ANCC and also for other parishes in an ecumenical capacity. You can see the
ANCC to Ordain John Bye-Torre to the Priesthood
(03/27/2017)  Presiding Bishop George Lucey, FCM, and the American National Catholic Church are pleased to announce that Deacon John Bye-Torre, FCM, will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Presbyters on Saturday, April 22. The Mass of Ordination, to be celebrated by the Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the ANCC, will take place at St. Stephen’s Parish in Seattle, Washington.  You can see the
ANCC Urges President to Reconsider Executive Orders
(1/29/2017) On January 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Mr. Trump signed an executive order mandating a 90-day ban on entry into the U.S. of citizens from 7 majority-Muslim nations. You can see the statement here.
ANCC repudiates Rome’s rejection of gay seminarians
(12/09/2016) On December 7, the Vatican issued a document, “The Gift of the Priestly Vocation,” which bars men “who practice homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called ‘gay culture'” from entering the priesthood. You can see the statement here.
Rome does not speak for all Catholics on the Ordination of Women
(11/03/2016) On November 1, All Saints Day, Pope Francis once again stated that the Roman Catholic Church’s ban on the ordination of women is likely to endure. He approvingly cited John Paul II’s insistence that the question of admitting women to Holy Orders is closed.  You can see the statement here.
ANCC Statement on Louisiana Flood
(08/19/2016) The people and clergy of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC) join all persons of good will in expressing deep and heartfelt grief at the loss of life and property, and the disruption of lives, caused by the recent catastrophic flooding in parts of Louisiana. You can see the statement here.
ANCC Welcomes Fr. Andrew Miller
(08/02/2016)  The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church, joyfully welcomes Fr. Andrew Miller as the latest priest to incardinate with the ANCC.  You can see the press release here.
ANCC Mourns the Passing of Elie Wiesel
The People of God and Presiding Bishop George R. Lucey, FCM, of the American National Catholic Church join the rest of the world in mourning the passing of Eli Wiesel.
Mr. Wiesel, like so many other Jewish survivors of the Nazi nightmare, was haunted his entire life by the horrors he endured in the death camps. But he transfigured his trauma into books, especially his masterpiece


that warned us of what happens when we lose our sense of humanity, and celebrated in a sober way the possibility of goodness in us all. This gift to the world, born of so much pain and suffering, has enriched us.
Zikhrono li-verakhah:
May his memory be for a blessing!
ANCC Laments the Orlando Mass Shooting
(06/13/2016)  The people and clergy of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC) join all people of good will in expressing deep and heartfelt grief at the murders committed in Orlando, Florida. You can see the press release here.
ANCC Welcomes St. Joseph of Arimathea
(06/10/2016)  The parish of St. Joseph of Arimathea has decided to join the American National Catholic Church.   You can see the welcome letter of Most Reverend George R. Lucey here.
ANCC Welcomes Fr. Miguel Fernandez
(10/20/2015)  The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church, joyfully welcomes Fr. Miguel Fernandez as the latest priest to incardinate with the ANCC.  You can see the press release here.
ANCC Announces the next Convocation in 2016
(09/23/2015)  The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church, announces that the Church’s 2016 Convocation will be held August 11-13, 2016 at the Bishop Claggett Center, Adamstown, MD ( You can see the announcement here.
ANCC Announces A New Parish Community in Seattle, WA.
(08/17/2015)   The American National Catholic Church (ANCC) joyfully announces the establishment of a new parish community, St Stephen’s, Seattle, Washington, guided by Deacon Brother John Bye-Torre, FCM. You can see the press release here.
ANCC Welcomes Fr. John Wheeler
(08/04/2015)  The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church, joyfully welcomes Fr. John Wheeler as the latest clergy to incardinate in the ANCC.  You can see the press release here.
ANCC Applauds SCOTUS Rulings
(06/27/2015) The American National Catholic Church joyfully affirms and celebrates the two landmark decisions handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court. Both of them affirm human dignity, enrich community, and attest to the deepest values of democracy as well as the spirit of the Gospel.  You can see the press release here.
ANCC Statement on S.C. Church Shooting
(06/19/2015) Violence has once again struck the nation, this time in a gathering where Christians were studying God’s word and praying.  Just when it seemed as if the post-Ferguson country was finally beginning to acknowledge the harsh reality of white assaults against people of color, another hate-fueled tragedy occurs. You can see the
ANCC Mourns Victims of the Nepal Earthquake
(05/03/2015) The people and clergy of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC) join people of good will everywhere in praying for the thousands who perished, and the tens of thousands left injured and homeless, by the Nepal earthquake. You can see the
Presiding Bishop as Guest Panelist in NJ Pride Event
(05/01/2015) Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, the Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church and pastor of St. Francis of Assisi ANCC, has been invited, along with other faith leaders, by New Jersey Pride to represent the Church and the parish as a panelist for “Progress in the Pulpit.” It will be an interfaith panel and discussion about the evolution of various religious institutions with regard to LGBTQ inclusion, as well as what individual clergy have dealt with when they divert from the rules or guidelines of their larger organizations.  The event is hosted by Congregation Beth El in South Orange, NJ on June 8, 6:30 PM at 222 Irvington Ave., South Orange, NJ 07079.
ANCC Parishes Mentioned as Welcoming LGBT
(03/23/2015) Two of our ANCC parishes were mentioned in an article in Asbury Park Press ( as welcoming LGBT in Monmouth and Ocean County, NJ.
New ANCC Parish in Ocean County, NJ
(03/02/2015) The American National Catholic Church (ANCC) joyfully announces the establishment of a new parish community, Good Shepherd, in Ocean County, New Jersey. The parish, located in Toms River Township, is shepherded by Fr. Anthony Lipari, FCM.  You can see the
ANCC Statement on Martyred Coptic Christians
(02/21/2015) The people and clergy of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC) join all people of good will in expressing deep sadness at the recent murder of twenty-one Coptic Christians in Syria. The ANCC prays for an end to the violence in the Middle East which has taken so many lives and ruined so many others.  You can see the
ANCC Welcomes Three Priests
(01/30/2015) The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church, joyfully welcomes Frs. Louie Amezaga, Robert Blattner, and Peter Sanchez as the newest clergy to join the ANCC.  You can see the
ANCC to Ordain John Bye-Torre
(01/17/2015) The American National Catholic Church (ANCC) is pleased to announce that Mr. John Bye-Torre will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacon on Sunday, February 15. The Mass of Ordination, to be celebrated by the Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the ANCC, will take place in the parish community of Holy Family American National Catholic Church in Las Cruces, New Mexico, during the parish celebration of the Eucharist. Mr. Bye- Torre will serve as deacon to Holy Family after his ordination.  You can see the
ANCC Embraces Immigration Reform
(11/23/2014) The American National Catholic Church (ANCC) joins all people of good will in applauding President Obama’s plans for an immigration reform that protects nearly four and a half million undocumented workers residing in the U.S. from deportation. It is a promising initial step toward offering the radical hospitality to strangers that is a central value in both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures.  You can see the
ANCC Establishes Executive Council
(11/15/2014) The American National Catholic Church (ANCC) is pleased to announce the establishment of its Executive Council. The primary function of this body is to advise the Presiding Bishop on issues, concerns and programs of the National Church.  You can see the
ANCC Announces Upcoming Presbyteral Ordination
(10/19/2014) With Praise and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, the family, and the Franciscan Community of Mercy joyfully announce and cordially invite you to attend the Presbyteral Ordination of Deacon Geety Oscar M. Reyes, FCM, through the invocation of the Holy Spirit, the imposition of hands and anointing of the holy oils by Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church, on Saturday, 3
day of January 2015, eleven o’clock in the morning at St. Francis of Assisi ANCC, 195 Ridgewood Ave, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028.  Please join us in a reception immediately following Mass in the parish hall.
ANCC Hopeful about Synod on Family
(10/14/14) The American National Catholic Church (ANCC) welcomes the shift in tone about gays and divorced people coming out of the current Roman Catholic Synod on the Family, the two-week conference called by Pope Francis to discuss topics such as marriage, divorce, and cohabitation. You can see the
ANCC Welcomes Newest Priest
(09/26/14) The American National Catholic Church is excited to announce the incardination of Fr. Michael La Lone as the newest priest to join the ANCC. You can see the

press release


Presiding Bishop Meets with St. Stanislaus in St. Louis

(08/17/14) Bishop George Lucey, FCM met with parishioners from St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish in St. Louis as the discern the future of their parish. You can see the video below: Bishop Lucey at St. Stanislaus Kostka
ANCC Statement of Persecution of Christians
(08/11/14) The American National Catholic Church has released a statement condemning the ongoing persecution of Christians in Iraq and Syria. You can see the
ANCC Welcomes Newest Priest
(06/12/14) The American National Catholic Church is excited to announce the incardination of Fr. James Lehman as the newest priest to join the ANCC. You can see the

press release


Bishop Releases Letter on Pentecost

(06/08/14) The Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church, has released a letter on Pentecost. You can see

the letter


ANCC Announces New Mission Parish

(05/16/14) The American National Catholic Church is pleased to announce the formation of a new parish mission, St. Brendan’s, to launch in New Jersey. You can see the

press release


ANCC Announces Upcoming Ordinations

(04/21/14) The American National Catholic Church is pleased to announce that Mr. Stephen Rekar and Mr. William Wambaugh will be ordained to the Order of Sacred Deacon on May 10, 2014 at 5:00 P.M. in the afternoon. You can see the

press release


ANCC Incardinates Former Roman Catholic Priest

(04/07/14) The American National Catholic Church is excited to announce the incardination of Fr. Anthony Lipari, former Roman Catholic priest, as the newest clergy to join the ANCC. You can see the

press release


Presiding Bishop Announces Appointments

(04/15/14) The Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the ANCC, has announced new appointments for the roles of Chancellor and Director of Vocations. You can see the press release



ANCC Launches Online Quarterly Magazine

(03/05/14) The American National Catholic Church (ANCC) is pleased to present the second volume of The Call, an online magazine of the American National Catholic Church.  The Call will appear four times a year.  It can be accessed at:

ANCC Announces National Friendship Sunday

(03/04/13) The American National Catholic Church has designated April 27th —the day on which Blessed John XXII, The Call’s patron, will be canonized—as Friendship Sunday.  It’s a day in which parishioners in all of ANCC churches are encouraged to bring a friend to Mass and to invite both their local community and their social media friends to share the Eucharist meal.  Our Lord said, “Love one another as I have loved you.  You are my friends if you do this.”  Friendship Sunday is an opportunity to be especially mindful of the blessings of friendship and grateful for the fellowship we share in Jesus.

ANCC Launches 2014 Daily Lenten Online Retreat

(03/01/14)  The ANCC invites you to journey with us through the Season of Lent for an online retreat. Each day, there will be a reading from the scriptures taken from the readings of the day and a unique reflection, and an action step that you can take to walk more closely in the footsteps of Christ.  Participate in the Lenten Retreat.

ANCC Announces New Parish in Central Pennsylvania

(01/27/14) The American National Catholic Church is launching its first second parish in Pennsylvania. Holy Spirit American National Catholic Church will serve the central Pennsylvania community under the spiritual leadership of newly ordained, Fr. Kerry Walters. You can see the press release here.

ANCC Welcomes Newest Clergy

(01/01/14) The American National Catholic Church is excited to announce the incardination of Fr. Jonathan Gray as the newest clergy to join the ANCC. You can see the press release here.

ANCC Mourns Death of Nelson Mandela 

(12/07/13) The people of the American National Catholic Church offer thanksgiving for the life of Nelson Mandela and prayers for his family, friends, and countrymen, all who mourn his passing. May eternal rest grant onto him, O Lord. May light perpetual shine on him. You can see the press release.

ANCC Incardinates Former Roman Catholic Clergy

(12/05/13) The American National Catholic Church is excited to announce the incardination of Fr. Kevin Jones, former Roman Catholic priest, as the newest clergy to join the ANCC. You can see the press release.

ANCC Launches 2013 Daily Advent Online Retreat

(12/01/13)  The ANCC invites you to journey with us through the Season of Advent for an online retreat. Each day, there will be a reading from the scriptures taken from the readings of the day and a unique reflection, and an action step that you can take to better prepare yourself for the Birth of our Savior. Participate in the Advent Retreat

New Priest to be Ordained in Pennsylvania

(11/21/13)  Bishop George Lucey will be ordaining Deacon Kerry Walters, former Episcopal deacon to the Sacred Order of Priests in Lewisburg, PA. You can see the press release here.

Presiding Bishop Issues Statement on Bishop’s “Exorcism” of Illinois’ Marriage Equality Act

(11/21/13) Bishop George R. Lucey, FCM has issued a statement on Roman Catholic Bishop Paprocki’s decision to perform a public exorcism in response to the enactment of a marriage equality law in Illinois. You can see the press release here.

ANCC Launches Online Quarterly Magazine

(11/13/13) The American National Catholic Church (ANCC) is pleased to announce the publication of the inaugural issue of The Call, an online magazine of the American National Catholic Church.  The Call will appear four times a year.  It can be accessed at:

Rev. John Mollish Appointed Vicar for Ecumenism

(11/08/13) Bishop George R. Lucey, FCM has appointed the Rev. John Mollish as Vicar for Ecumensim. You can see the press release here.

Presiding Bishop Issues Statement on NJ Marriage Equality

(11/04/13) Bishop George R. Lucey, FCM has issued a statement on marriage equality coming to the Garden State. You can see the press release here.

Presiding Bishop Appoints Director of Ministerial Formation

(10/22/13) Bishop George R. Lucey, FCM has appointed Rev. Vincent McTighe  as the Director of Ministerial Formation for the American National Catholic Church. You can see the press release here.

Presiding Bishop Appoints Director of Communications

(10/22/13) Bishop George R. Lucey, FCM has appointed Deacon Kerry Walters as the Director of Communications for the American National Catholic Church. You can see the press release here.

ANCC Welcomes Former Roman Catholic Priest

(09/17/13) The American National Catholic Church is excited to announce the incardination of Fr. John Mollish, former Roman Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC. You can see the press release here.

ANCC prepares for Annual Clergy Convocation

(08/11/13) On the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Bishop and Clergy of the American National Catholic Church will gather for the First Annual Clergy Convocation to take place on Aug. 15 -17, 2013, at St. Marguerite’s Retreat House, Mendham, NJ. You can see the press release here.

ANCC Incardinates Two Newest Clergy

(08/11/13) The American National Catholic Church is excited to announce the incardination of Fr. Paul Gulya, former Roman Catholic priest and Deacon Kerry, former Episcopal deacon, as the newest clergy to join the ANCC. You can see the press release here.

Presiding Bishop Visits Fargo Parish

(07/19/2013) Bishop George Lucey has recently returned from a very joyous pastoral visit to St.Odilia American National Catholic Church in Fargo, North Dakota. While there, he had the opportunity to meet with the clergy and parishioners of the parish, enjoyed a picnic hosted by two members of the parish, and celebrated Sunday mass with the growing parish. During his pastoral visit Bishop Lucey observed that since his last in 2012, St. Odilia ANC has almost tripled in size, and most importantly that the members of the parish engaged Bishop Lucey with serious discussions about the future growth of the parish and the larger American National Catholic Church.

Statement on SCOTUS DOMA ruling

(06/26/13) The American National Catholic Church released the following statement following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn portions of the Defense of Marriage Act:

“The American National Catholic Church, along with her bishop, clergy, and people give thanks to God for the decision by the Supreme Court of the United States to reach for justice and equality for all. We echo the prophet Amos and pray: Let Justice roll down like waters, and Righteousness like an ever flowing stream. (Amos 5:24)”

Presiding Bishop Visits Philadelphia Parish

(06/10/13) On Saturday, June 15th, Bishop George Lucey, FCM, Presiding Bishop of the American National Catholic Church will be traveling to St. Thomas More ANCC for his annual episcopal visitation of the parish. Bishop Lucey will be celebrate mass on Saturday, June 15th at 5:00pm for the parish community. You can read the press release here.

ANCC Welcomes Former Roman Catholic Priests

(02/20/13) The American National Catholic Church is excited to announce the incardination of Fr. Carroll Mrowicki and Fr. Vincent McTighe, former Roman Catholic priests, as the newest clergy to join the ANCC. You can see the press release here.

ANCC Launches 2013 Daily Lenten Online Retreat

(2/13/13)  The ANCC invites you to journey with us through the Season of Lent for an online retreat. Each day, there will be a reading from the scriptures taken from the readings of the day and a unique reflection, and an action step that you can take to walk more closely in the footsteps of Christ.  Participate in the Lenten Retreat

ANCC Launches 24/7 Prayer Request Website

(12/12/12)  The American National Catholic Church announces the launch of our worldwide prayer request website.  Available to anyone with Internet access, prayer requests can be submitted all day, all night, everyday. You can see the press release here.

ANCC Announces New Parish in Philadelphia

(8/22/12) The American National Catholic Church is launching its first parish in Pennsylvania. St. Thomas More American National Catholic Church will serve the greater Philadelphia area under the leadership of Mother Phyllis McHugh. You can see the press release here.

ANCC Incardinates First Female Priest

(8/22/12) The American National Catholic Church announces the incardination of Rev. Phyllis McHugh as a priest ministering within the church. Mother Phyllis is the first female priest within the ANCC. You can see the press release here.

New Deacon to be Ordained in New Jersey

(8/7/12)  Bishop George Lucey will be ordaining Friar Geety Reyes, FCM to the transitional diaconate at St. Francis of Assisi ANCC in Glen Ridge, NJ. You can see the press release here.

St. Louis Parish to Reach Out to Excluded Neighbor

(6/6/12)  The ANCC parish in St. Louis, St. Catherine of Siena, will be hosting a table at St. Louis’ Pride festival in an effort to demonstrate their presence as a welcoming alternative to GLBT Catholics. You can see the parish press release here.

Bishop Lucey’s Respond to Vatican’s Injunction of Women Religious

(4/24/12)  The Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, presiding bishop of the American National Catholic Church extends prayerful support to the Leadership Conference of Women Religious at this challenging moment in its exemplary history.  Read press statement: here

Bishop Lucey’s 2012 Easter Greetings 

(4/8/12)  The Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, presiding bishop of the American National Catholic Church, has issued an Easter Pastoral Greeting. You may read the letter here: 2012 Easter Pastoral Letter

ANCC Chancellor Pained by Discrimination in Roman Catholic Church

(3/14/12)  ANCC Chancellor Rev. Fr. Phillip Lichtenwalter and pastor of St. Louis St. Catherine of Siena penned a letter to the editor in the St. Louis West End Word regarding recent discrimination in the Roman Catholic Church.  Read the letter, here.

ANCC Chancellor Interviewed by National Public Radio

(2/23/12)  ANCC Chancellor Rev. Fr. Phillip Lichtenwalter participated in an hour-long discussion on “Alternative Catholics Communities” by the St. Louis affiliate of National Public Radio (90.7 FM).  Listen to the interview: here

ANCC Launches 2012 Daily Lenten Online Retreat

(2/22/12)  The ANCC invites you to journey with us through the Season of Lent for an online retreat. Each day, there will be a reading from the scriptures taken from the readings of the day and a unique reflection, and an action step that you can take to walk more closely in the footsteps of Christ.  Participate in the Lenten Retreat

ANCC Welcomes Newest Parish: St. Odilia, Fargo, ND

(2/17/12)  On behalf of the parishioners and clergy of the ANCC, Bishop Lucey is overjoyed to announce our newest parish, St. Odilia American National Catholic Church in Fargo, North Dakota.  The pastor is ANCC priest, Rev. Fr. Llewelyn Troska.  The parish’s first Eucharistic celebration will take place on February 26, 2012, the first Sunday of Lent.  For more information, please read the Press Release. 

Our Lady of Guadalupe ANCC Parish – On the Go

(2/3/12).  The Twin River Times featured a story about Our Lady of Guadalupe ANCC parish, Long Branch, New Jersey.   The article discussed the church’s formation by the spirited parishioners of a previous Roman Catholic parish and the selection of ANCC priest, Fr. Anthony Testa as their pastor.

Bishop Lucey’s 2011 Christmas Greetings 

(12/25/11)  The Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, presiding bishop of the American National Catholic Church, has issued a letter to the church for Christmas. You may read the letter here:  Christmas 2011 Letter

ANCC Launches 24/7 Prayer Request Website

(12/12/11)  The American National Catholic Church announces the launch of our worldwide prayer request website.  Available to anyone with Internet access, prayer requests can be submitted all day, all night, everyday.  Read Press Release here

Pastoral Letter by Bishop Lucey Regarding Recent Liturgical Language Changes by the Roman Catholic Church

(12/1/11)  The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM has issued a Pastoral Letter regarding the recent liturgical language changes by the Roman Catholic Church and the ANCC’s decision to continue to use the Roman Missal 2 translation of the New Order of the Mass (Novus Ordo).  Read the Pastoral Letter here.

Asbury Park Press, “Breakaway Church Gets New Pastor”

(11/29/11)  The Asbury Park Press published an article on the installation of Father Anthony Testa as pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe American National Catholic Church, Long Branch, NJ.  Read the article: here.

ANNC Launches 2011 Daily Advent Reflections Blog

(11/28/11) The Church announces a daily reflections blog for the Season of Advent.  Beginning on the First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 28, 2011, the postings will run though Christmastide, June 9, 2012.   The blog serves as “mini-retreat” for those wishing to reflect on this wonderful season of preparation and renewal.  Format includes a biblical quote, a brief consideration of the quote, and a recommended action step. We invite all to follow our Advent Reflections at

Bishop Lucey’s 2011 Advent Greetings 

(11/28/11)  The Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, presiding bishop of the American National Catholic Church, has issued a letter to the church for Advent. You may read the letter here:  Advent Letter.

Fr. Anthony Testa Joins ANCC and Named as Pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Long Branch, NJ

(11/14/11)  The Most Reverend George R. Lucey, FCM, presiding bishop of the American National Catholic Church (ANCC), joyfully welcomes Fr. Anthony Testa as the newest priest to join the ANCC and as pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Long Branch, NJ.  Read the Press Release here.

American National Catholic Church Announces Ordination to the Priesthood of Rev. Br. Phillip Lichtenwalter and Rev. Mr. William Freeman

(11/5/11)  With great joy, the ANCC announces the ordination of our brother deacons, Rev. Br. Phillip Lichtenwalter and Rev. Mr. William Freeman to the priesthood of Jesus Christ on November 11, 2011 in St. Louis.  ANCC Priesthood Press Release.

American National Catholic Church Welcomes New Parish Community 

(8/1/11)  The parish community of Our Lady of Guadalupe American National Catholic Church welcomed the Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, presiding bishop of the American National Catholic Church, at the celebration of the first communion of several parishioners.

Rev. Br. Phillip Lichtenwalter launches new ANCC faith-community in St. Louis.

(7/31/11)  ANCC deacon, Rev. Br. Phillip Lichtenwalter, administrator of St. Catherine of Siena, launches new faith community in St. Louis. Read the story here.

Bishop George R. Lucey: “Honor the Contributions of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Californians” 

(7/13/11)  The Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, presiding bishop of the American National Catholic Church, has released a statement supporting the efforts in the State of California to honor the legacy of LGBT leaders. You can see the California Statement here.

Bishop George R. Lucey: ‘We are definitely Catholic but not Roman Catholic” 

(6/27/11)  The Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, presiding bishop of the American National Catholic Church, has released a statement in response to the attacks on the people of Our Lady of Guadalupe American National Catholic Church by David M. O’Connell, CM, Roman Catholic Bishop of Trenton. You can see the statement here.

Presiding Bishop’s Statement on the Passage of Gay Marriage in New York State

(6/25/11)  The Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, presiding bishop of the American National Catholic Church, has released a statement on the State of New York’s decision to embrace marriage equality. You can see the statement NY Marriage Equality Statement here.

American National Catholic Church Welcomes Newest Parish: Our Lady of Guadalupe

(6/20/11)  Our Lady of Guadalupe American National Catholic Church’s annual festival in honor of St. John the Baptist was featured in the Asbury Park Press.

Bishop Lucey’s 2011 Pentecost Greetings 

(6/12/11)  The Most Rev. George R. Lucey, FCM, presiding bishop of the American National Catholic Church, has issued a letter to the church for Pentecost. You may read the letter here: Pentecost Letter.

Welcome, St. John the Baptist Parish

(5/21/11)  The American National Catholic Church welcomes the former parishioners of St. John the Baptist in West Long Branch, NJ. After the Roman Catholic Diocese of Trenton closed their parish, they have embraced a new path and identity as Our Lady of Guadalupe American National Catholic Church.